
Advertising on SKI.RU

Reports Лента автора 19 Марта 2013 (11:48) Просмотров: 79280 0

Реклама на SKI.RU
(Russian version)

Ski.ru – is an information Internet portal, dedicated to all aspects of skiing and snowboarding. Since 2003, we have been the most popular media resource in Russia in this area.

Our partners are companies in the ski, travel and adventure industry.  We are an advertising and PR platform, that provides access to at least 50% of the audience of skiers and snowboarders in Russia - this is about 3 000000 of our readers. The audience of our information resources is dynamically expanding.

We will be glad to assist in promoting a product, company or brand, using both classical and modern approaches in advertising and PR. Including special projects: cognitive quest, thematic events and much more.

More information about the structure of our resources, statistics and demographics of our audience, as well as profitable package offers can be found in the Presentation for Partners. All prices and costs are basic and can be adapted for the personal requirements of our customers.

We understand the difficulties of COVID times, and ready to cooperate with all business participants working in the creation and maintenance of skiing infrastructure and tourism industry.

Write to the [email protected] or call +79267128166, and we will select the format of work with the audience that best suits your desires and capabilities.

Contact us:

[email protected]General issues

+7 903 722-44-02  - WhatsApp (preferably), telephone

Источник: ski.ru