Newspaper SKI.RU

Reports Лента автора 11 Сентября 2006 (16:12) Просмотров: 94 0

The largest and the most popular Russian Internet portal of winter activities WWW.SKI.RU proudly presents new ski and snowboard information project - the glossy newspaper SKI.RU.

 Presentation of SKI.RU

Colorful 16-32 pages of A3 format are devoted to all aspects of skiing, snowboarding and other winter activities and hobbies.

Circulations – 15000 issues 2 times a month.

Distribution - ski resorts of Russian suburbans , fitness centers, sport shops, travel companies desks, charters, airports, ski resorts hotels.

Readers profile - active, 20-40 years old, frequent traveler, open minded.

What’s in: (Content:)
There are number of main sections (divisions) of SKI.RU newspaper:

INTRO - materials that explain basics issues of winter leisure and sports, some philosophy, discussions and How-To materials.

EQUIP - all about modern trends in equipment, materials, closes etc.

TRAVEL - destinations and resorts reviews, traveler's advices and reports. Here we have subsections devoted to travel agencies' advertisements.

MCLASS - advanced skiers information, tricks, tips, lessons.

REGION - in every issue we publicate the map of some regions - ski resort and related places of interests.

Advertising opportunity
Block advertising
¼ Page - 400 euro
½ Page - 750 euro
1 Page - 1400 euro
2 Page - 2500 euro
REGION placements
1/8 Page - 250 euro
Classified - 100 euro

 Presentation of SKI.RU

VAT not inc.

Discounts for holeseason advertisers