Progress in Liberec

official_skiru Лента автора 23 Октября 2007 (10:51) Просмотров: 54 0
Zurich also played host to the second meeting in 2007 of the FIS Coordination Group for the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2009 in Liberec (CZE) last week. Led by newly-appointed President Katerina Neumannova and Executive Director Marek Rejman, the organizing committee provided an update on its progress, in particular with the sports venues and organization. It reported that work at the new Cross-Country Skiing area ‘Vesec' is as good as complete, including the paving of the courses for roller skiing and in-line skating, finalization of bridges, access roads and permanent facilities, as well as installation of the snow-making system. At the same time, construction continues in the ‘Jested' Ski Jumping area, with scheduled completion in mid-December. The February test events, on 9th-10th February for Ski Jumping and 15th-17th February for Cross-Country and Nordic Combined, will be held as planned. As a next step, the Organizing Committee will be focusing on confirming the sports organization including all technical officials in competition management, and shifting a gear on the promotional front, in marketing for the test events and launching a new web site. The city of Liberec has confirmed government financing for the outstanding projects such as the re-construction of the university campus which will then serve as the team accommodation.