Се йчас снова ходит в моду нормальная жесткая однонаправленная доска, по сути монолыжа... А с девайсом для сидения на склоне какой то тупик получается чтоли? И в спорте кроме пайпа все жесткие...
Лобби Бёртона это не секрет вобщем, в итоге курортам вроде выгодны лишние катальщики Jake persisted, however, by visiting (lobbying) area ski resorts. Why? ... because snowboards were banned from the lifts! Snowboards were not allowed on the ski lifts and so they were relegated to the country side and hills surrounding the ski slopes. Teenage snowboarders “knocked skiers down like bowling pins” and made deeper ruts in the snow than skiers. Jake’s efforts lead to at least some success as he was allowed to sponsor local snowboarding contests on designated ski runs. He gave away boards to ski instructors. He attended trade shows and continued to experiment. And, of course, Jake continued to keep his many day jobs. (Hoovers.com, 2006) http://www.aabri.com/manuscripts/09286.pdf
Се йчас снова ходит в моду нормальная жесткая однонаправленная доска, по сути монолыжа... А с девайсом для сидения на склоне какой то тупик получается чтоли? И в спорте кроме пайпа все жесткие...
У Бёртона что то не ладно по форумам..
История сноуборда тут:
Интересен 98 и 2002 года..
Косвенное подтверждение лоббирования сноуборда к ОИ 2002 в США.
Лобби Бёртона это не секрет вобщем, в итоге курортам вроде выгодны лишние катальщики
Jake persisted, however, by visiting (lobbying) area ski resorts. Why? ... because
snowboards were banned from the lifts! Snowboards were not allowed on the ski lifts and so
they were relegated to the country side and hills surrounding the ski slopes. Teenage
snowboarders “knocked skiers down like bowling pins” and made deeper ruts in the snow than
skiers. Jake’s efforts lead to at least some success as he was allowed to sponsor local
snowboarding contests on designated ski runs. He gave away boards to ski instructors. He
attended trade shows and continued to experiment. And, of course, Jake continued to keep his
many day jobs. (Hoovers.com, 2006)
Вот отчетик, но вроде как вся индутрия не растет не только борд..
Наш и к слову тоже вроде стараются добавить в олимпиаду своих медалек