Надеюсь, немногочисленные поклоники телемарк в России поймут эти слова, несмотря на их англоязычное написание и смысл с оттенком итальянского раздолбайства.
Лишний раз убеждаюсь, что телемарк-сообщество находится абсолютно на другом уровне развития и человеческой организации, нежели альплыжники.
The spirit of the WIND will bring us in far COUNTRIESwhere our FIRE will move the quiet WATERS of other valleys.
The four elements (water - fire - earth - air) will accompany us during the next International Telemark Festival, in Livigno from the 24 to the 31 March 2012.Seven days during which Livigno will be organised to party with many events and a calendar full of moments in the day and at night.
For the “fun” part events as the Trepallina Party (the most loved BBQ party with more than 5’000 telemarkers who visited Livigno during the last 18 years) and the Fire Party. While the lovers of nature have to remember the new entry since 2009, the Transumanza, an excursion in a unique valley with “pit stops” and fun moments. Not to forget also the daily excursions with international Alpine Guides, for beginners but also for experts, the cultural evening, a dinner on the high, races, gadgets and daily events at Plaza Placheda, from the Expo to the meeting with the Alpine Guides and the Sherpa’s.
And don’t worry if you are not an expert, the teachers of Livigno will be at your disposal for courses of all levels. The smallest will have the occasion of being taught by special teachers of the international telemark as Paolino Tassi.
New 2012: courses to learn to ski outside the slopes, freeride, extreme ski tour and every day the Artva camp.
Also for this edition you will have everything you need to make this event unforgettable for telemark lovers and for those who want to discover this world.
Special offers for you:
Seven nights in apartment starting from 350,00 Euro per person.
For those who can stay only for some days, stay in hotel for four nights starting from 290,00 Euro.
Included in the packages: Skipass for the whole ski area of Livigno, excursions with international Alpine Guides, races and collateral events, free drink in the best pubs of Livigno, free access to the Trepallina Party, the Fire Party and Transhumance, all with life music, the expo and the test of new materials.
папа тя на телемарки-вик ждать в ПРИ?
италия-фигалия, а с братвой затусить-катнуть свяче!
пахар, я , чижов, залинга, ддим и многие другие братья наши по телемаркингу будут! ;) а ты в италию что-ль?