Russian winter outdoor market grows very fast at the moment, for the last 5 years winter activities market shows stable 20% gain every year. There are from 700.000 to 1 million alpine skiers and snowboarders at Russia now. Just the way it happened in Europe, winter outdoor activities boom in Russia follows economical development of the society, that's why Russian ski & snowboard media grew rapidly over the last few years. And that's why in September 2003 Russian internet portal SKI.RU opened its pages for the Russian skiers and snowboarders.
Reports Лента автора 1 Августа 2005 (11:26) 394 0
В новом сезоне итальянский горнолыжный курорт Грессоней-Сент-Джон, расположенный в долине Аоста, предложит своим гостям первый в регионе парк приключений и тюбинг.
official_skiru Лента автора 20 Июня 2006 (03:38) 85 0
ACCOMODATION.SKI.RU is the unique web-site, created by the SKI.RU team and designed to help Russian winter holiday makers and European accommodation owners to find each other. ACCOMODATION.SKI.RU is inspired by multiple requests from visitors of SKI.RU
Reports Лента автора 29 Июля 2005 (16:25) 53 0
Thanks to our highly motivated and active 450 000 visitors per year auditorium, SKI.RU became very effective advertising instrument on the Russian market for any place, product of service related to the winter holidays. We provide our customers with massive banner campaigns, PR programs and unique advertising services such as Accommodation Directory and Context Blocks.
Reports Лента автора 30 Июля 2005 (15:31) 245 0