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Bluemoris FPS 2018/2019

Особенности конструкции
Basalt layer найти похожие модели →
Basalt Layer

It's a supreme material provides resilience and shock absorption. 
Excells in stability during high-speed riding and responsibility in turnings.

Camber найти похожие модели →

A general bend shape that is the amouont space beneath the center of the ski. 
The responsibility when weighting on ski makes easy to do carving turn on slopes.

Light wood core найти похожие модели →
Light Wood Core

Lighter than general wood core, possesses strength, durability and flexibility without losing its efficiency.

Sinterd найти похожие модели →

Durable and holds wax better. 
Gliding performance is superior in various situation.

Ростовки 170178186
Радиус бокового выреза, м 202226
Ширина носка, мм 130
Ширина талии, мм 100
Ширина пятки, мм 120
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