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→  Instinct
→  Manley
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Instinct Manley 2018/2019

The Manley was designed for the charge-hard, big mountain new schooler. It’s twin rocker, centre stance and high tech materials let this big ski ride switch, spin and just generally shred the mountain at ridiculous speeds. The tail rocker and slightly narrower tail let it break free as desired during those epic high-speed descents, and provide ample platform for landing switch. This is a shred-the-mountain ski with park tendencies. If you are a skier who sees the mountain as a giant park, this ski is for you. Happily for us this ski, with its extreme torsional stiffness when called for, and laid on its edge, will slay the hard pack with beautiful pencil line carves.

Ростовки 193
Ширина носка, мм 142
Ширина талии, мм 112
Ширина пятки, мм 134
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