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Volkl Revolt 121 2019/2020

Назначение: Фрискиинг - Big Mountain, Фрирайд универсал, All Mountain
Уровень катания: Эксперты, Спортсмены
Revolt 121 - плод фантастического сотрудничества команды спортсменов и инженеров, дизайнеров и менеджеров Volkl. Если вы поклонник бэккантри, то наверняка видели эти лыжи на подиуме FWT у Маркуса Эдера, или в соцсетях на видео о спортсменах, разрабатывающих новые лыжи. Рокерная лыжа Revolt 121 имеет талию 121 мм., полностью симметричный профиль рокер-камбер-рокер, ощутимый камбер под креплениями для дополнительного давления и лучшего управления при приближении к кикеру. «Невероятно универсальны» - наиболее частый комментарий людей, катающихся на Revolt 121. Это стало возможным благодаря конструкции 3 Radius Sidecut с 3-мя радиусами и особой форме носка. Увеличенный радиус в зоне рокеров делают её идеальной для джиббинга и поворотов на мягком снегу, а более короткий радиус в центре лыжи позволяет легко делать дерзкие маленькие дуги. Жесткая конструкция с сердечником Multi Layer Woodcore из двух видов древесины (ясень в районе креплений и более мягкий тополь по всей остальной длине) обеспечивает мощность и торсионную устойчивость. На этих лыжах можно ехать туда, куда вам хочется. Карбоновые стрингеры для экстра упругости, полный сайдвол – эти лыжи жесткие, энергичные и быстрые. Лыжи очень стабильны при больших прыжках и на рейлах. Дизайн топшита от новозеландского художника Кена Гриффена выражает переменчивую атмосферу фристайла.
If you like Backcountry, you must have seen this ski on the FWT podium with Markus Eder. Otherwise, you may have seen on social networks several videos about our athletes developing a new ski ... Behind this #Built Together is more than a year of work between engineers, athletes, the Product Manager and the team. 'artist. All worked hand in hand to develop this new ski Freestyle Backcountry, the Revolt 121. We will let you discover the video to understand the overall process of the creation of this ski and we will go into the heart of the chicken. 121mm in the skate, camber underfoot and rocker spatula and very pronounced heel to have a ski player and that will squeeze in all conditions.
For the graphics of the Freeski range, we find a New Zealander artist: Ken Griffen. He worked on each of the skis and wanted to express a different atmosphere and message for these freestyle skis.
The Revolt 121 is the result of a close cooperation between Lead Engineer Lucas Romain, Product & Team Manager Jean-Claude Pedrolini and the riders Markus Eder, Paddy Graham, Fabio Studer, Colter Hinchliffe, Tanner Rainville, Sam Smoothy and Tom Ritsch. The tip & tail rocker ski comes with a slight camber under the binding for that little bit of extra pressure und steering when approching the kicker. "Incredibly versatile" - that's one of the most often heard comments from people riding the Revolt 121. This is made possible due to the 3 radius construction and a specially shaped tip that works great for nose butters and drift turns in soft snow. The tough box construction with Multi Layer woodcore makes the ski strong enough to go where dedicated freeskiers dare to go.
If you like Backcountry, you must have seen this ski on the FWT podium with Markus Eder. Otherwise, you may have seen on social networks several videos about our athletes developing a new ski ... Behind this #Built Together is more than a year of work between engineers, athletes, the Product Manager and the team. 'artist. All worked hand in hand to develop this new ski Freestyle Backcountry, the Revolt 121. We will let you discover the video to understand the overall process of the creation of this ski and we will go into the heart of the chicken. 121mm in the skate, camber underfoot and rocker spatula and very pronounced heel to have a ski player and that will squeeze in all conditions.
For the graphics of the Freeski range, we find a New Zealander artist: Ken Griffen. He worked on each of the skis and wanted to express a different atmosphere and message for these freestyle skis.
The Revolt 121 is the result of a close cooperation between Lead Engineer Lucas Romain, Product & Team Manager Jean-Claude Pedrolini and the riders Markus Eder, Paddy Graham, Fabio Studer, Colter Hinchliffe, Tanner Rainville, Sam Smoothy and Tom Ritsch. The tip & tail rocker ski comes with a slight camber under the binding for that little bit of extra pressure und steering when approching the kicker. "Incredibly versatile" - that's one of the most often heard comments from people riding the Revolt 121. This is made possible due to the 3 radius construction and a specially shaped tip that works great for nose butters and drift turns in soft snow. The tough box construction with Multi Layer woodcore makes the ski strong enough to go where dedicated freeskiers dare to go.
Ростовки | 177 | 184 | 191 |
Ширина носка, мм | 143 | ||
Ширина талии, мм | 121 | ||
Ширина пятки, мм | 135 | ||
Радиус бокового выреза, м | 19.2 |
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