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Majesty Superior 2011/2012

Назначение: Фрирайд универсал
Уровень катания:
Ростовки:178, 186
2D Hybrid Technology revolutionises the all-terrain ride performance. It combines the floating and easiness of rocker with the snappy suspension and control of camber.Геометрия: 135-115-130
Радиус бокового выреза: 20, 23
Ростовки: 178, 186
Double Layer Wood core - two kinds of wood (poplar and ash) provide flex and extreme durability
90' ABS Sidewall - the toughest construction that keeps you edges stronger and safer
High Speed Base - IS7200 - very fast base for freeride and big air
Shock Absorbers - edges and core structure have extra protection
Cat-banana Profile - Hybrid (rocker/camber/rocker) - extraordinary solution for all terrain ride
Versality - tired of changing skis when leaving park and BC? Not anymore

Ростовки 178186
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