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Nitro Swindle 152 Marc Swoboda 2011/2012

Назначение: Freestyle
Уровень катания:
The truest form of visual liberation. Nine pros, complete creative freedom, an empty canvas, no rules and total commitment. Let 'em ride. "Since its my first pro one-off I got
pretty excited and def wanted
have a meaningful graphic... The
first raw idea was integrating the
ying/yang feeling good & bad /
postive & negative / bright & dark... Just how life works sometimes! So I sat down with one of my good
school friends, who is a great artist in my eyes and told him about
stuff thats important in my life... Decided to keep it kind of a raw
drawing, not too computerish so
it feels more personal for me!". Marc SwobodaРостовка: 152 см
Скользяк Scratch and Rip Base Весовой прогиб Zero Camber Сердечник Power Core II, Reflex Core Profile
Канты Railkiller Edge
Усиление Bi-Lite Laminates
Боковой вырез Radial Sidecut
Носки Profile Tip

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