В 2014 году Сочи ждет XXII Олимпийские зимние игры и XI Паралимпийские зимние игры.
Krasnaya Polyana is located 42 km from the Black Sea, on the south side of the Main Caucasus Ridge. Thanks to this arrangement climate here is extremely mild (an average of about zero degree), but the moisture-laden sea air condenses well in the snow, so there`s always a lot of snow here. This is special snow, it is both lightweight and slippery (wet). Fantastic skiing!
In 2014 Sochi hosts the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games.
Krasnaya Polyana (Sochi) in English — resort description is right here. The more skiing is always better!
А что, разве у нас на форуме толпы англичан и американцев табунами ходят)))) Смысл открытия темы то какой? На спам рекламный несколько смахивает