Отзывы путешественников на

Lac du Lauvitel
Venosc, Ле-Дез-Альп Франция
Рейтинг туристов TripAdvisor:
На основе 65 отзывов
№ 2 из 5
отелей в V?nosc
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Последние отзывы туристов TripAdvisor:
Sue C
Красота лучшей частью во многих
Минут экскурсия 1:30 ч ночи до La Lauvitel от La Danchere стоит красивые виды, которые вы получаете озера и окрестности.
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Pretty lake at the end of a nice walk
Lovely walk up… challenging but not too difficult despite it being warm. I had thought you would be able to swim which you weren’t (understandable for ecological reasons) but won’t go there expecting...
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Lovely mountain lake - not for swimming
Steep and tricky walk but worth it when you reach the lake. We went with the intention of swimming. All the research we did suggests you can swim in the lake. Signs on the way up are clear what is...
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